Block Shares

Block Shares
4515536 4515537 4515538 4515539 4515544 4515550 4515558 4515559 4515563 4515566 4515567 4515571 4515574 4515576 4515578 4515579 4515580 4515581 4515592 4515598
Expected 109920 110135 110350 110565 110780 111866 112962 113183 112960 113180 113401 114067 114289 114066 114066 113620 113620 113620 113395 113615
Actual 92064 13056 15360 3840 111360 92832 121248 3072 138912 57600 7680 60576 46752 96672 59136 59136 33024 33600 389952 151872
Average 98198 78038 75763 73382 75610 62333 56947 54643 61402 64934 56496 61248 64387 73670 68448 65078 56256 59309 84413 93840

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 16,053,969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 5,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 161,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 1,935,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4515598 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 23:03:05 (UTC) 1,906,142,449,298.00 4.001050 113,615 151,872 133.67
4515592 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 23:01:18 (UTC) 1,902,448,572,154.00 4.000044 113,395 389,952 343.89
4515581 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:56:42 (UTC) 1,906,229,821,693.00 4.000000 113,620 33,600 29.57
4515580 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:56:21 (UTC) 1,906,229,821,693.00 4.000000 113,620 33,024 29.07
4515579 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:55:58 (UTC) 1,906,229,821,693.00 4.000000 113,620 59,136 52.05
4515578 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:55:10 (UTC) 1,913,705,232,757.00 4.000000 114,066 59,136 51.84
4515576 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:54:24 (UTC) 1,913,712,532,990.00 4.000066 114,066 96,672 84.75
4515574 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:53:26 (UTC) 1,917,457,567,301.00 4.000349 114,289 46,752 40.91
4515571 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:52:44 (UTC) 1,913,727,133,541.00 4.000331 114,067 60,576 53.11
4515567 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:52:00 (UTC) 1,902,557,548,190.00 4.000021 113,401 7,680 6.77
4515566 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:51:51 (UTC) 1,898,848,859,013.00 4.000000 113,180 57,600 50.89
4515563 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:51:12 (UTC) 1,895,147,399,249.00 4.000000 112,960 138,912 122.97
4515559 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:49:22 (UTC) 1,898,892,434,476.00 4.000096 113,183 3,072 2.71
4515558 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:49:19 (UTC) 1,895,190,889,770.00 4.000000 112,962 121,248 107.34
4515550 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:47:33 (UTC) 1,876,798,277,065.00 4.000105 111,866 92,832 82.98
4515544 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:46:23 (UTC) 1,858,577,072,643.00 4.125560 110,780 111,360 100.52
4515539 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:44:47 (UTC) 1,854,975,371,537.00 4.001713 110,565 3,840 3.47
4515538 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:44:44 (UTC) 1,851,359,435,141.00 4.000000 110,350 15,360 13.92
4515537 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:44:30 (UTC) 1,847,750,547,354.00 4.001063 110,135 13,056 11.85
4515536 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:44:21 (UTC) 1,844,148,694,436.00 4.000539 109,920 92,064 83.76
Totals 2,253,660 1,587,744 70.45
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 70 confirms.