Block Shares

Block Shares
4515453 4515454 4515459 4515461 4515464 4515467 4515471 4515489 4515495 4515498 4515503 4515506 4515507 4515512 4515520 4515526 4515528 4515534 4515535 4515536
Expected 107402 107612 107401 107821 108243 108029 108452 107810 108443 108442 107801 108434 108434 109070 109069 109281 109494 110568 110568 109920
Actual 51360 16896 161952 11424 52224 87168 76704 542592 104448 95904 214656 38112 27648 89088 225600 175104 26112 71328 22272 92064
Average 165485 157651 164093 156941 147763 114634 101040 151997 161222 120067 136397 138518 125088 132854 150192 158986 153926 106800 98582 98198

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 16,117,576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 5,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 161,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 1,935,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4515536 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:44:21 (UTC) 1,844,148,694,436.00 4.000539 109,920 92,064 83.76
4515535 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:43:14 (UTC) 1,855,017,940,178.00 4.002504 110,568 22,272 20.14
4515534 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:42:59 (UTC) 1,855,017,940,178.00 4.000854 110,568 71,328 64.51
4515528 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:42:04 (UTC) 1,837,008,193,736.00 4.000539 109,494 26,112 23.85
4515526 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:41:40 (UTC) 1,833,427,281,078.00 4.000000 109,281 175,104 160.23
4515520 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:39:20 (UTC) 1,829,867,309,510.00 4.000000 109,069 225,600 206.84
4515512 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:36:27 (UTC) 1,829,895,258,684.00 4.000000 109,070 89,088 81.68
4515507 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:35:21 (UTC) 1,819,214,963,194.00 4.000000 108,434 27,648 25.50
4515506 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:34:58 (UTC) 1,819,214,963,194.00 4.000000 108,434 38,112 35.15
4515503 Confirmed aaronsace 28/02 22:34:25 (UTC) 1,808,597,003,900.00 4.000000 107,801 214,656 199.12
4515498 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:31:48 (UTC) 1,819,361,661,443.00 4.000560 108,442 95,904 88.44
4515495 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:30:38 (UTC) 1,819,368,601,784.00 4.000581 108,443 104,448 96.32
4515489 Confirmed Mikin67 28/02 22:29:13 (UTC) 1,808,749,745,770.00 4.000121 107,810 542,592 503.29
4515471 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:21:32 (UTC) 1,819,514,763,901.00 4.000000 108,452 76,704 70.73
4515467 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:20:40 (UTC) 1,812,428,052,956.00 4.000021 108,029 87,168 80.69
4515464 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:19:21 (UTC) 1,816,009,624,980.00 4.000000 108,243 52,224 48.25
4515461 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:18:46 (UTC) 1,808,936,565,975.00 4.000000 107,821 11,424 10.60
4515459 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:18:37 (UTC) 1,801,891,055,372.00 4.000000 107,401 161,952 150.79
4515454 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:16:45 (UTC) 1,805,431,062,261.00 4.000000 107,612 16,896 15.70
4515453 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 22:16:33 (UTC) 1,801,911,703,466.00 4.000000 107,402 51,360 47.82
Totals 2,172,294 2,182,656 100.48
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 70 confirms.