Block Shares

Block Shares
8474433 8474448 8474482 8474490 8474493 8474496 8474502 8474521 8474522 8474527 8474534 8474538 8474549 8474559 8474566 8474577 8474593 8474607 8474612 8474613
Expected 32383 32381 32888 32630 32694 32758 32374 31683 31683 31621 31682 31682 31619 31187 31187 31063 31489 31365 31242 31242
Actual 23040 40704 68928 32928 7680 4608 23040 69888 768 13824 23808 8352 29184 42912 27648 29952 29760 42048 17664 3840
Average 28771 30019 32227 34445 31910 31219 27610 33370 28378 28541 28618 25382 21408 22406 24403 26938 27610 24826 26515 25517

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 17,513,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 5,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 161,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 1,935,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
8474613 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:45:37 (UTC) 524,153,428,995.00 4.000000 31,242 3,840 12.29
8474612 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:45:15 (UTC) 524,153,428,995.00 4.000000 31,242 17,664 56.54
8474607 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:42:49 (UTC) 526,225,062,546.00 4.000042 31,365 42,048 134.06
8474593 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:37:12 (UTC) 528,302,805,182.00 3.500000 31,489 29,760 94.51
8474577 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:33:05 (UTC) 521,147,974,285.00 4.000000 31,063 29,952 96.42
8474566 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:28:46 (UTC) 523,223,783,037.00 4.000000 31,187 27,648 88.65
8474559 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:26:06 (UTC) 523,227,774,941.00 4.000000 31,187 42,912 137.60
8474549 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:20:39 (UTC) 530,484,355,987.00 4.000000 31,619 29,184 92.30
8474538 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:16:48 (UTC) 531,530,604,251.00 4.000000 31,682 8,352 26.36
8474534 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:15:36 (UTC) 531,536,695,127.00 4.000000 31,682 23,808 75.15
8474527 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:13:05 (UTC) 530,504,608,640.00 4.000000 31,621 13,824 43.72
8474522 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:11:02 (UTC) 531,546,833,501.00 4.000021 31,683 768 2.42
8474521 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:10:43 (UTC) 531,546,833,501.00 4.000000 31,683 69,888 220.59
8474502 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:01:18 (UTC) 543,151,714,035.00 4.000000 32,374 23,040 71.17
8474496 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 02:57:58 (UTC) 549,583,688,233.00 4.000000 32,758 4,608 14.07
8474493 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 02:57:14 (UTC) 548,514,467,418.00 4.000000 32,694 7,680 23.49
8474490 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 02:56:25 (UTC) 547,447,326,782.00 4.000000 32,630 32,928 100.91
8474482 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 02:51:54 (UTC) 551,768,467,967.00 4.000000 32,888 68,928 209.58
8474448 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 02:41:37 (UTC) 543,255,541,911.00 4.000042 32,381 40,704 125.70
8474433 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 02:36:10 (UTC) 543,292,935,262.00 4.000000 32,383 23,040 71.15
Totals 636,853 540,576 84.88
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 70 confirms.