Block Shares

Block Shares
8474613 8474621 8474625 8474629 8474633 8474672 8474678 8474711 8474717 8474719 8474734 8474735 8474740 8474773 8474793 8474794 8474837 8474853 8474859 8474874
Expected 31242 31364 31363 31486 31671 31604 31728 31970 31845 31845 31782 31720 31781 32533 32851 32851 31957 32586 32714 32457
Actual 3840 17664 9216 7680 4608 106656 13824 76704 14496 8448 38400 1536 14496 76704 45312 3072 137280 26112 9120 39168
Average 25517 24902 24989 22838 19008 26909 25296 29990 27235 26314 29770 28157 28685 35587 39658 29299 41645 36586 36048 39120

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 17,321,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 5,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 161,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 1,935,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
8474874 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:17:07 (UTC) 544,543,553,410.00 4.000000 32,457 39,168 120.68
8474859 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:10:33 (UTC) 548,845,928,720.00 4.000000 32,714 9,120 27.88
8474853 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:08:57 (UTC) 546,710,349,572.00 4.000000 32,586 26,112 80.13
8474837 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:04:52 (UTC) 536,152,354,776.00 3.500000 31,957 137,280 429.58
8474794 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:45:39 (UTC) 551,143,811,825.00 4.000000 32,851 3,072 9.35
8474793 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:45:21 (UTC) 551,143,811,825.00 4.000000 32,851 45,312 137.93
8474773 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:39:19 (UTC) 545,813,803,200.00 3.500000 32,533 76,704 235.77
8474740 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:30:12 (UTC) 533,202,607,243.00 4.000000 31,781 14,496 45.61
8474735 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:28:33 (UTC) 532,169,324,067.00 4.000000 31,720 1,536 4.84
8474734 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:28:02 (UTC) 533,210,751,315.00 4.000000 31,782 38,400 120.82
8474719 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:22:10 (UTC) 534,276,675,264.00 4.000000 31,845 8,448 26.53
8474717 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:21:16 (UTC) 534,276,675,264.00 4.000000 31,845 14,496 45.52
8474711 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:18:40 (UTC) 536,375,970,127.00 4.000000 31,970 76,704 239.92
8474678 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:07:40 (UTC) 532,299,848,642.00 4.000000 31,728 13,824 43.57
8474672 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 04:05:47 (UTC) 530,232,704,155.00 4.000000 31,604 106,656 337.48
8474633 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:50:38 (UTC) 531,349,545,595.00 4.000000 31,671 4,608 14.55
8474629 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:50:11 (UTC) 528,248,291,506.00 4.000000 31,486 7,680 24.39
8474625 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:49:17 (UTC) 526,190,851,235.00 4.000000 31,363 9,216 29.38
8474621 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:47:58 (UTC) 526,194,865,775.00 4.000000 31,364 17,664 56.32
8474613 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 03:45:37 (UTC) 524,153,428,995.00 4.000000 31,242 3,840 12.29
Totals 639,350 654,336 102.34
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 70 confirms.