Block Shares

Block Shares
8801681 8801682 8801683 8801684 8801685 8801686 8801687 8801688 8801689 8801690 8801691 8801692 8801693 8801694 8801695 8801696 8801697 8801698 8801699 8801700
Expected 2075 2079 2083 2087 2091 2091 2095 2095 2095 2095 2079 2075 2079 2079 2075 2079 2083 2083 2079 2079
Actual 1536 1536 2304 768 3072 1536 768 768 3840 2304 6912 1536 2304 2304 4608 768 1536 3840 3072 3072
Average 1920 1997 1997 1690 1536 1613 1613 1459 1690 1843 2381 2381 2381 2534 2688 2611 2688 2995 2918 2995

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 17,513,629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 5,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 161,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 1,935,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
8801700 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:50:10 (UTC) 34,879,866,267.00 4.000000 2,079 3,072 147.76
8801699 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:49:49 (UTC) 34,879,866,267.00 4.000000 2,079 3,072 147.76
8801698 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:49:08 (UTC) 34,948,124,322.00 4.000000 2,083 3,840 184.35
8801697 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:48:42 (UTC) 34,948,124,322.00 4.000000 2,083 1,536 73.74
8801696 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:48:38 (UTC) 34,879,999,324.00 4.000000 2,079 768 36.94
8801695 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:48:34 (UTC) 34,812,007,123.00 4.000000 2,075 4,608 222.07
8801694 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:48:01 (UTC) 34,880,132,381.00 4.000000 2,079 2,304 110.82
8801693 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:47:41 (UTC) 34,880,132,381.00 4.000000 2,079 2,304 110.82
8801692 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:47:29 (UTC) 34,812,139,921.00 4.000000 2,075 1,536 74.02
8801691 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:46:58 (UTC) 34,880,265,439.00 4.000000 2,079 6,912 332.47
8801690 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:45:41 (UTC) 35,154,913,195.00 4.000000 2,095 2,304 109.98
8801689 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:45:23 (UTC) 35,154,913,195.00 4.000000 2,095 3,840 183.29
8801688 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:45:00 (UTC) 35,154,913,195.00 4.000000 2,095 768 36.66
8801687 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:44:40 (UTC) 35,154,913,195.00 4.000000 2,095 768 36.66
8801686 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:44:33 (UTC) 35,086,385,100.00 4.000000 2,091 1,536 73.46
8801685 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:44:17 (UTC) 35,086,385,100.00 4.000000 2,091 3,072 146.92
8801684 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:44:08 (UTC) 35,017,990,588.00 4.000000 2,087 768 36.80
8801683 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:43:56 (UTC) 34,949,729,398.00 4.000000 2,083 2,304 110.61
8801682 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:43:48 (UTC) 34,881,601,271.00 4.000000 2,079 1,536 73.88
8801681 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:43:47 (UTC) 34,813,605,947.00 4.000000 2,075 1,536 74.02
Totals 41,676 48,384 116.10
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 70 confirms.