Block Shares

Block Shares
8474874 8474882 8474890 8474901 8474907 8474921 8474924 8474932 8474941 8474944 8474984 8474986 8474992 8475006 8475008 8475036 8475045 8475051 8475071 8475096
Expected 32457 31826 31208 30964 30783 30602 30244 30660 30840 30839 31445 31507 31630 31197 31136 31131 30948 30767 29873 29005
Actual 39168 34464 31488 29088 21408 40704 22272 9216 15264 7680 79872 3840 15264 55296 12288 85248 24576 14592 74496 82080
Average 39120 38726 41722 43181 37651 37190 39110 26304 25219 25075 29146 26083 24461 27082 26170 30624 30854 31392 37315 44755

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 17,514,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 5,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 161,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 1,935,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
8475096 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:50:55 (UTC) 486,631,465,641.00 4.000000 29,005 82,080 282.99
8475071 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:38:46 (UTC) 501,192,367,254.00 4.000000 29,873 74,496 249.38
8475051 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:27:31 (UTC) 516,184,995,958.00 4.000000 30,767 14,592 47.43
8475045 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:24:54 (UTC) 519,225,339,653.00 4.000000 30,948 24,576 79.41
8475036 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:21:05 (UTC) 522,295,576,606.00 4.000000 31,131 85,248 273.84
8475008 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:10:43 (UTC) 522,373,599,542.00 3.500000 31,136 12,288 39.47
8475006 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:09:41 (UTC) 523,399,858,113.00 4.000000 31,197 55,296 177.25
8474992 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:02:38 (UTC) 530,660,729,933.00 4.000042 31,630 15,264 48.26
8474986 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:01:05 (UTC) 528,595,910,045.00 4.000021 31,507 3,840 12.19
8474984 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 06:00:39 (UTC) 527,565,508,661.00 4.000021 31,445 79,872 254.01
8474944 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:48:45 (UTC) 517,400,951,510.00 4.000000 30,839 7,680 24.90
8474941 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:47:42 (UTC) 517,402,925,245.00 4.000042 30,840 15,264 49.49
8474932 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:45:02 (UTC) 514,388,950,508.00 3.500000 30,660 9,216 30.06
8474924 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:43:41 (UTC) 507,410,911,382.00 4.000000 30,244 22,272 73.64
8474921 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:41:13 (UTC) 513,411,787,680.00 4.000000 30,602 40,704 133.01
8474907 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:35:27 (UTC) 516,455,552,099.00 4.000000 30,783 21,408 69.54
8474901 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:32:36 (UTC) 519,497,489,377.00 4.000021 30,964 29,088 93.94
8474890 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:27:50 (UTC) 523,577,955,736.00 4.000000 31,208 31,488 100.90
8474882 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:22:21 (UTC) 533,951,761,650.00 4.000000 31,826 34,464 108.29
8474874 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:17:07 (UTC) 544,543,553,410.00 4.000000 32,457 39,168 120.68
Totals 619,062 698,304 112.80
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 70 confirms.